Podcast producer + editor Leah Bryant joined Quiz Lab—this is her story

Leah Bryant’s Personality Quiz + Quiz Lab Experience

What happens to your business when you create a strategic quiz lead magnet—and discover your own personality strengths in the process?


You step into the POWER of quizzes and go from $13k to 6-figures in ONE year.


When she joined Quiz Lab in 2021—after being a part of my 3-Day Nail Your Quiz Idea Challenge—that’s precisely what Leah discovered.


Leah is one of my favorite success stories because she came to me with very few pieces in place. 


A solid business, a great niche (podcast production), but


no lead magnet, no webinar, no course


And an email list of 10 people.


She was a new business owner—BUT she had such confidence in what she was doing. 


And that alone—was everything.


Somehow I knew this would be a home run for her! 


Let me properly introduce you to Leah.


Leah Bryant is a fraud investigator turned podcast editor + producer. 


She’s the founder of Leah Bryant Co.—an all woman podcast production boutique agency. 

It is her mission to elevate women in front of and behind the mic.

woman podcaster in a mustard yellow sweater talks into the mic with her laptop next to her

Her unique approach to launching and managing podcasts helps coaches & course creators show up confidently and inspire people to take action.


She’s a country girl at heart (living in Ohio by way of Kentucky), a wife, & mom to 4-year-old Ezra. 


And she’s surrounded by animals—a German Shepard named Heidi, a boxer mix named Maggie Mae, & 9 chickens (Ezra’s besties). 


Her superpower? She’s extremely introverted.


(This is a BIG part of her success story—as you’ll see)

Now for more juicy deets on Leah’s time inside Quiz Lab 


When Leah & I first spoke, she

→ wasn’t even a year into her business 

→ had only grossed $13,000 and

→ didn’t have a clear vision of who she wanted to help

That last one began to change as soon as Leah joined my 3-Day Nail Your Quiz Idea Challenge.


(I host this in my ​​Quiz Creators Facebook group! Come join us.) 


The challenge is built to help you figure out if a quiz is right for your business and drill down some of those quiz details.


From there, you’re able to take your discoveries & apply them inside the Quiz Lab!

woman typing on a laptop near a window

Nail Your Quiz Idea Challenge:


  • Day 1: Learn WHY a quiz should be your next lead magnet.
  • Day 2: Discover where your brand stands & find your “North Star.”
  • Day 3: Nail your quiz idea!

Day 2, discover where your brand stands and find your "North Star”, was my favorite day. It allowed me to get clear on my brand, understand who my ideal clients are, and revealed the juiciest language for my quiz.”

Something else I hear often? ↓

“Before Linda’s 3-Day Challenge, I had never done this type of research.” 

It’s SO worth it to spend time gathering client language.


You’ll put it to use inside your quiz: 

  • Questions
  • Answers
  • Results AND
  • Email sequence


Moreover, these findings help you get clear on WHO you’re helping.


Wanna know what ultimately inspired her to jump into the program?

↓ ↓ ↓

“I needed something to propel my business forward—ONE thing that would set me apart from other podcast managers & producers.


And I told myself that a quiz would be my ticket to attract the type of clients I wanted.”

Her quiz—What type of podcaster are you?—totally DELIVERED.


(More on that in a bit…)


Leah came into the program with the attitude of, “I’m gonna do this, do it right, & take Linda’s advice.”

woman podcaster in a mustard yellow sweater talks into the mic with her laptop next to her

“I didn’t get overwhelmed. I followed your advice—everything you have laid out in Quiz Lab is perfect because it breaks it all down into digestible chunks.”

I feel so grateful every time a Quiz Lab student comments on the curriculum layout because I worked really hard on it with a curriculum specialist.


As not only a DiSC Certified personality quiz maker, but a mom, & a human—I know we all learn differently. 


Linda & her dog Dakota in a field with the afternoon sunlight behind them

I wanted to ensure this program was a success for everyone!


Students tell me their most significant takeaway from the Quiz Lab is how many moving parts there are to creating a QUALITY quiz. 


My step-by-step approach helps you clarify your business including:


→ who you are

→ who you serve

→ what offers you want to put out there 

→ what the pricing should be


One of Leah’s biggest challenges was the fact that she’d been a generalist. 


She was helping anyone & EVERYONE who wanted a podcast.



“Linda’s Quiz Lab helped me niche & focus.”

Leah recognized that she wanted to speak to women who are course creators & coaches.


So now—she does! 


An added bonus of going through Quiz Lab is that students get very familiar with DiSC personalities


…making it easy to recognize the strengths of each personality.


Which means they also figure out their strengths.


Leah might’ve had a slightly dramatic experience of discovering hers… 


She had a tiny introvert panic attack when I mentioned creating videos for her results.

“You want me to be on camera & be awkward? No, thank you.”



She rallied & came up with THE most creative idea I’ve seen so far inside Quiz Lab!

She took her email welcome sequence & turned it into a private podcast—for each result.

Leah Bryant thoroughly enjoyed her Quiz Lab experience—this is her logo for Leah Bryant Co

I want you to feel encouraged to use your strengths, your creativity, & think outside the box!

Because look what happens when you lean into your personality strengths!

When she shared that with me, I had to pick my jaw up off the floor.


It was creative & brilliant—and the PERFECT fit for Leah!

“I am not a video person. I am behind the mic—BEHIND it!”

Leah’s personalized private podcast created more engagement with her audience than a standard written welcome series.


Her quiz takers are getting value delivered in a way they’re able to download, listen, & go!


AND she’s effortlessly building that Know Like Trust factor with her audience.


(Leah also has a written version of her email sequence because she wants everyone—including those who are deaf and hard-of-hearing—to be able to enjoy their quiz results.)

white AirPods on a pink background

“The Quiz Lab was an exceptional experience. And my quiz is converting at 71.4%!”

“I'll admit, I was excited about the possibility of adding a quiz as a lead magnet to my business, but had reservations because of the niche I'm in. 

I loved that all those reservations disappeared after a call with Linda. 

She took the time and helped me map out my idea leaving no questions unanswered. The Quiz Lab was an exceptional experience with a well-thought-out plan. Linda went above and beyond and was the key to helping me create my quiz. 

My quiz is now converting at 71.4% (!!) and in my opinion, is doing fabulous! I’m going to keep promoting it in the next several months. 

Thanks, Linda, for creating an amazing experience!” 

—Leah Bryant, Podcast Editor & Producer
Listen to Leah’s FULL audio testimonial!

As a result of Leah joining the Nail Your Quiz Idea Challenge

And implementing everything she learned in the Quiz Lab

She’s already hit all her 2022 goals


Leah’s 2022 goals:

✅ Grow email list

✅ Launch a premium launch package

✅ Attract high-ticket clients


All these business and personal wins wouldn’t have been possible for Leah if she didn’t take a leap of faith—with confidence.


When Leah was thinking about joining Quiz Lab, her gross income for the year was only $13,000.


(Investing in your business when you don’t have much money coming in can be a really scary decision—I know firsthand.)


But look at what her quiz did for her business

“I am on track to hit 6-figures by the end of this year. I am blown away!”

Not only that…


Leah + another podcast producer teamed up to launch their own podcast and several courses!


And even though she didn’t enter the group looking for it, she found 2 ideal clients inside Quiz Lab.

(It’s my not-so-secret hope that Quiz Lab exists as this beautiful container of supportive & collaborative opportunities for everyone!)

“I was nervous because I didn’t have a course that the quiz was leading to. I didn’t have anything when I signed up for Quiz Lab.”

I reminded her it was okay & we could lead quiz takers to a freebie or discovery call.


That has worked SO well for her!


Now she has a business + a quiz → that leads to a freebie → that leads to a discovery call → that leads to clients.

“It was just like—WOW. This really works!”

🎉 Leah’s quiz is converting at over 70%!

🎉 She grew her list by 2600%!

🎉 She went from $13k to hitting 6-figures in 2022!

By the way, this is all happening as a result of one of the quietest quiz launches I’ve seen.


Leah just kind of released her quiz—with really no promotion at all.


Working with the other students in Quiz Lab was motivating for Leah!


But she felt supported & comfortable enough to work at her own pace. And she completed her quiz a bit later—early 2021.


Which has allowed her to grow her email list by 2600%!

And her quiz helped her gain both quantity AND quality leads.

I cannot wait to see where Leah’s at in another 12 months.

“I’m really glad I took a leap of faith.”

I am too, Leah! 🖤

“The quiz has been essential to my growth because it’s offered me the ability to have that low pressure lead magnet.” 

Quiz creation is a skill I’m sure Leah will continue to use as her business grows & expands!


Would you like to do the same? ↓