“I had wanted a new lead magnet to grow my email list, and now thanks to this workshop, I have my quiz that is doing just that!
This is such a great workshop!
Linda gives you her entire framework to build a personality-based quiz so that the people who take your quiz will connect on a deeper level with the quiz results.
From the personality framework to the welcome series to promoting the quiz as your lead magnet, Linda covers it all in this workshop!
Kristin Lawton
Brand and Marketing Strategist
The ultimate strategy for creating a high-converting quiz funnel
The biggest mistakes people make when creating a quiz (and what to do instead)
The 4 results your new leads will identify with the most
The secrets to attracting your dream clients with your perfect title
Discover 10 easy ways to promote your quiz to gain new subscribers fast
Finally, say goodbye to hustling so hard and start *effectively* selling on automation
I had just under 500 people take my quiz and convert to a new lead at a 70% rate during the first 7 days of launching my quiz. With a better understanding of my audience!
“I am FLOORED, and I can use my quiz funnel for LIFE because we truly built it based on my brand and not just one offer only. #longevity, baby!
My quiz helped me understand my audience so much better than I could specifically market to their individual needs. It also warmed them up before my launch and brought in over $65K of revenue for an almost passive BRAND NEW program.”
Meg Yelaney
Prettyawkward Entrepreneur
Personally, quizzes mean so much more to me than just a fancy lead magnet.
I’ve been through it all…
…checking Kajabi and watching my email list numbers inch up by single digits.
...spending thousands on courses from all the household names.
…wasting hours on Instagram daily creating stories, researching hashtags, and commenting on other people’s posts to try to drum up business.
(Any of these sound eerily familiar to you??)
“Linda's Quiz Quadrant Workshop was mind-blowing...
She presented her 4 P’s (4 unique personalities). What struck me the most was how understanding those you serve through this lens really allows you to communicate more effectively with each individual.
It makes it more appealing to take the time to dig deeper into my audience and hear what they have to say so I can be sure to give them exactly what they need and make them feel supported. It also comforts me to know they can genuinely trust me and give me the privilege of working with them.”
Danielle Theodorpoulos
Math Teacher
“Linda is the go-to personality QUIZ QUEEN in the online biz world!
I was pivoting my business and needed a way to make customers aware of my new services quickly. I watched The Quiz Quadrant Workshop and immediately learned Linda’s genius framework for putting a quiz together – and the next steps for building one myself.
The workshop covers everything, from writing questions and results to what platform to use for my quiz.
And I love how a personality quiz offers a next-level strategy for those who don’t want to promote themselves in icky ways.
Jess Brooks
The 2024 “Your Best Year Yet Giveaway” runs Nov. 24-Dec. 14, 2024. All raffle prize winners will be contacted on or about Dec. 31, 2024 and will have 30 days to claim their prize. All “Your Best Year Yet Giveaway” contributors are independent business owners and are operating in conjunction with, but SEPARATELY from the “Your Best Year Yet Giveaway” promotion.